Interdisciplinary applications of experimental social software to the study of narrative in digital contexts

La conjonction des recherches sur la narrativité et sur les nouveaux moyens technologiques me paraît un phénomène très stimulant ? autant pour l’exploration de ce que signifie et ce que peut le narratif en dehors du littéraire que pour l’arrimage de techniques et de codes à des façons d’échanger et d’entrer en relation.

Dans cette ligne de mire, je reprends ici l’annonce d’une bourse postdoctorale en Angleterre, qui me paraît cibler de façon originale ce point de rencontre. (via Humanist)

From: Sue Thomas

*please circulate*

I’m delighted to announce that I have been awarded an AHRC Speculative Research Grant for a one year project investigating the interdisciplinary applications of experimental social software to the study of narrative in digital contexts. The post is based in Leicester, UK, in the Faculty of Humanities at De Montfort University. and the project will be supervised by myself, Professor Sue Thomas supported by Simon Mills, who is currently devising a PGDip in Publishing & New Media at DMU.


The vacancy
We hope to appoint a post-doctoral research assistant with an ability to appreciate and synthesise the spirit of this proposal. S/he will probably, but not necessarily, have a first degree in a Humanities subject, but will also have a substantial understanding of the technical aspects of the project. Most importantly, they should have a proven knowledge of narrative in digital environments and in interdisciplinarity and able to demonstrate some experience of Web-based collaborative tools. The start date is under discussion but will be before June 1st 2006. The appointment is for one year.

Project description
The electronic environment has transformed the resources available to the academic researcher, most recently in the area of collaboration and new kinds of knowledge management. This project evaluates a selection of experimental software tools to discover whether they offer valuable unconventional opportunities to connect researchers across widely-differing disciplines and to examine how they might support innovative collaborations, such as shared bibliographical resources. The study will focus on the study of narrative within a digital context but findings are expected to be of use to a wide range of researchers.

The project will include the survey and evaluation of collaborative social network tools, both qualitative and quantitative, and the creation and analysis of a database of researchers working on narrative within a digital context.

Please direct any queries about the post to me at You should also contact me at that address if you would like to be informed when the post is advertised.

Sue Thomas
Professor of New Media
School of Media and Cultural Production
Faculty of Humanities
De Montfort University
The Gateway
United Kingdom
+44 (0)116 207 8266
In development: the DMU Online MA in Creative Writing & Technology
